Events: Room Drops | Case Study

Print Solutions | Promotional Products | Kitting & Fulfillment


A nation-leading tire distributor held their annual West Coast conference with over 300 customers in attendance at Caesar’s Palace. They wanted to surprise and delight the attendees with something new this year. 


American Solutions for Business suggested a room-drop, to be sponsored by one of their tire manufacturers. Not only would this provide additional visibility for the tire manufacturer to the attendees, but it would generate revenue for the customer to cover the costs of the conference event.
The customer provided a target budget per room and American Solutions for Business curated a proposal of branded merch with high-perceived value. American worked directly with the sponsoring tire manufacturer for final approval of all products and decorations. American kitted the project and assisted in coordinating timely delivery to each hotel room. 


The tire distributor received overwhelmingly positive feedback from attendees who received the room drops. The attendees were surprised and delighted to return to their rooms after a conference dinner and find a high-value branded merch kit awaiting them. 

The room drop included a printed invitation to an off-site party hosted by the tire distributor. The attendance was better than expected and the tire distributor attributed this to the room drop invite. 

Other tire manufacturers attending the event noticed the excitement that the room drop generated among the attendees and it has created competition among the tire manufacturers to participate in the next year’s sponsorship opportunity. 

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