Automotive Loans | Case Study

Situation: A credit union was preparing for its largest promotion of the year. Their target audience being car owners in the area looking to refinance their vehicle loans. For this year's agenda, they wanted to target a more specific group of people—credit union members with auto loans through other financial institutions, non-members in the area... Continue Reading →

Dealership Technology | Case Study

Client: Dealership Market: Automotive Situation: A large, 18-location dealership group was looking to standardize operational forms and printed marketing material. They were also looking to leverage group buying power and monitor operational spending at the department level. Solution: American met with each dealership location to determine the products they were using and how to best... Continue Reading →

Dealership Apparel Solutions

Over the years, the wardrobe of dealership employees has changed dramatically. In the past, most sales personnel wore suits and many technicians wore coveralls. Most dealerships have now moved to a more approachable apparel policy with button down and polo shirts for their staff. While the fashion at the dealership has become more business-casual in... Continue Reading →

3 Promo Products for Snowy Weather!

As summer fades into fall, it's time to start thinking ahead to your winter automotive marketing plans. Preparing for the seasonal changes and deciding what winter promo products to include in your marketing plan will set you apart from your competition. Here are 3 perfect winter promotions to get you started on developing your winter marketing plan. Fold down ice... Continue Reading →

Sneak Peek: American’s New Automotive Promotions!

  September marks the debut of our new Automotive Promotions catalog! This catalog is a collection of over 50 automotive-inspired promotional items designed to bring awareness to your dealership brand. Our new Automotive Modular Display Systems are also featured, along with apparel and other display items perfect for any dealership event. We developed our collection of automotive promotions... Continue Reading →

Preparing a Spooktacular Halloween Event!

Many may not know that a dealership can be a great venue for Halloween fun and a great way to increase public exposure. Hosting a Trick-Or-Treating bazaar inside your dealership  or business provides a safe, fun environment for children to enjoy the holiday and introduce parents to friendly sales staff and new vehicles for sale. Your... Continue Reading →

Forms Management from American

  Operating a business can be a very demanding task regardless of the department you manage. Handling customer service issues, employee management, scheduling and other duties often leave you little time for your other responsibilities - including operating your forms supply . Luckily, American Solutions for Business can help you manage this process to help you reach your business goals! Our experienced... Continue Reading →

eCommerce Makes Operating Your Dealership Easy!

Operating a dealership is very much relationship-focused, and anything hurting your customer service hurts the relationship with your valued customers. An American ACES site (American's Customer-centric eCommerce Solution) allows you to order the goods necessary to keep your dealership operating smoothly, and minimize the time spent away from your customers. ACES can feature catalogs for all of the forms, promotional... Continue Reading →

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